Thursday, July 9, 2009

Just another day at the beginning of the holiday

The holidays have just started, and with some headstress I just had to leave home for a few days.
Alot has been going on latey and I haven't been all good to writeit into my dairy every end of the week;-)
The most terrible happening these few weeks was the death of poor Michael Jackson.
It was so unexpected, and at such a young age of only 50.
Too, young, just too young!
So there I was listening to all the songs on the tv.
All the famous ones, and the classic's too, like Thriller and so on.
The memorial send off was the day before yesterday, whilst I was on the train on my way to Germany.
My Aunt had finally given birth to her baby daughter, whom I'd of loved to see.
Sadly the contact was quite weak, due to all the stress of baby, family and so on.
So the phone was kept off.
Shame, instead I came to my family in Gerderath; Aunty Juliane, Uncle Ian, and cousin Mellissa.
It was a very last minute notice in comming over, I believe I called round about 5.
My train was to leave at 19 minutes past 7, therefore arriving at half past 9 in the evening in Roermond.
So it's the summer holidays now, and I thought my OV had run out already I bought myself a ticket, though finding out a little later from the train conducter that I could still use the OV, thatr it only runs oout on the 16th.
-_- My was I fooled!
I certainly helps reading what it says on the back of the OV card XD
So you have these fooled moments once every while, very normal, but there did go my 14,40 euro.
What have I been up to?
Not too much, jsut taking it easy, and catching up on some lovely sleep, and spending some time with the family.
What can be better than that?
From what I recalled today, was that yesterday was mine and Stefan's 8 month.
I sent him a message congradulating him, and that I loved him much!
Oh, live right now, it good, though there are too many things going through my mind which I wish didn't.
The past really gets in the way, and jsut bloks your way in going forwards.
This thing came up again which jsut shocked me, and I jsut told myself, it's in the past,and it'S all different now.
I keep telling myself this, but somehow, it keeps siving though like a gigantic sive that had been tried to be fixed by bloking up the holes.
It's like I have two different sides, the side thats very calm and forging and jsut thinks straight, and the other an overreaction of emotion.
It's terrible, one moment all calm and the next 7.8 on the rikter scale.
My new method now, when I hear something that would irritant me, worry me or evern shock me and make me sad and therefore angry, I would then just shut my eyes, breathe in and out deeply and jsut take a few seconds to think about it, and then react to what has been said to me.
It's still a little difficult,but I'm trying my best.
Maybe I'm just so worried about my friends and the stupid things they can do that I can't relax properly myself ;-p

One cool things I can tell you is that I finally don't have to sleep on the floor anymore! :D
Yes you've guessed it, I have myself a new bed!
But the coolest thing was that I got it for free!
With the help of Stefan of course.
We were first picking up a new sofa for my room there when we drove past the Ikea when I mentioned the bed.
The man had then remembered that just the day before he bought a bed to the kringloop.
We could try to get it back.
And indeed we did!
Quite an adventure!
We straypainted it in the end.
Because it was a bluey colour, and black fitted better to my bedroom colours.

Well tomorrow is the last day of my stay here in Germany.
I'll be leaving between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, adn should be home about 6 ish.
To find me falling, once again, into Stefan's arms!

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